تعبير عن عيد الاضحى بالانجليزي

اسهل تعبير عن عيد الاضحي بالانجليزي, تعبير عن عيد الاضحي بالانجليزي

تعبير عن عيد الأضحي قصير جدا. تعبير باللغه الإنجليزيه عن العيد يوجد العديد من الأشخاص المتعلمين و الذين يحبون بعض مقالات التعبير عنها


s slaughter on this Eid to satisfy Allah. Slaughter shall be with cows, camels or sheep, Muslims keen to feed the poor and needy from this meat, so it was called Eid al-Adha.

Muslims perform Eid prayer in the morning, it starts from the rise of the sun until Al-Zuhr noon prayer,and it is desirable to perform it in the morning so that they can slaughter the udhiyah.

And after the slaughter they distribute from its meat to the poor and relatives and feed their family, and then go to visit relatives and friends.

Many make cakes and sweets for hospitality. After visits, families may go to parks and a children’s playground. Many Islamic countries decorate the streets with lights and forms that symbolize of Eid. It is also desirable to wear the most beautiful clothes and to postpone the breakfast after Eid prayer.

تعبير عن عيد الاضحي بالانجليزي

اسهل تعبير عن عيد الاضحي بالانجليزي

تعبير عن عيد الاضحى بالانجليزي